Thursday, June 22, 2006

Blah, blah, blah

I got the following quote from an article on MSNBC about Bush's visit to Austria:

“Look, people didn’t agree with my decision on Iraq, and I understand that. For Europe, September 11th was a moment; for us it was a change of thinking,” Bush said, insisting that he’d made decisions in the “best interests” of the United States and the world. “I believe when you look back at this moment, people will say, ‘It was right to encourage democracy in the Middle East’.”

When will he realized that Iraq and September 11th had nothing to do with each other? Every time he brings the two subjects up together, I want to throw something at the t.v. or radio. The sound of his voice just makes my blood boil.

That is all.

ETA: The article is actually from Newsweek. I got the link from the MSNBC website. You can access all of Newsweek's articles from there.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Allow me to be petty for a moment...

Did you ever have somebody from your past that you always felt in competition with? Be it a sibling, relative or friend.

I just saw a current picture of my childhood nemesis. My self esteem shot way up after seeing it.

I know its childish and petty but I don't care. After years of feeling second class, I feel I came out on top.

Victory is mine!

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Congratulations are in order

My boyfriend, D, is currently attending classes for his bachelor's degree. Last quarter, he took two six week long classes as well as working full time. He worked really hard and ended up getting an A in one class and a B in the other. I was so proud of him b/c its not easy having a full quarter of material crammed into six weeks.

D got a letter in the mail this weekend from his college saying he made dean's list. This is his first time ever making dean's list and he is so happy!. The letter is hanging up on the fridge now. I am so happy for him. He works so hard and I know he gets frustrated with the whole school thing so I hope this gives him that extra boost of motivation.

If you know D, tell him congratulations. It would mean a lot to him.

And D, if you're reading this, I am so proud of you. Words can't even express how proud I am. I knew you could do it. I love you more than anything, Monkey!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Vegas Vacation Part II - The Wedding

So, I know this vacation was 2 months ago now but thinking about it made me think about losing the pregnancy and I guess it all hit me harder than it did at first. I'm feeling a little better now so I'll fill you in on the rest of the trip.

My mom remarried on March 29th, 2006. I truley believe that she is with her soulmate now (who we'll call K). How many people can be separated by 3 states for almost 30 years, not talk for 15 years and meet back up without skipping a beat. It was hard for me to accept their relationship at first; it did break up my family. After the shock of the whole situation wore off (maybe I'll post about it later; maybe I won't; we'll see), I really started to like K.

Mom and K got married at the Stardust in Las Vegas. That was the main reason we went out there. The ceremony was really nice. We thought it would be some cheesy Vegas thing but I thought it was nicer than some other weddings I've been to. The reverend who married them was really nice. He said some really nice things. I had to sign the marriage certificate. That was really weird. I never in a million years thought I'd be signing my mother's. Shouldn't she be signing mine?

So, I now have a step-father and 2 step-brothers. K's son C came out to Vegas with his wife but the 2nd son wasn't there. He and K don't really have much of a relationship (really long story). I'm glad I got to be there for my mom. At first I wasn't sure if I should go. I felt like a traitor to my father. But, like it or not, she's still my mother and nothing can change that.

Here's a picture of my new family:

Effexor is the devil

I've been taking Effexor for depression for the past few years. It works wonderfully for me but I better not forget to take it. It has the worst withdrawal effects that start a few hours after you miss a dose. I usually take my pills around 7:00 or so. If I forget to take the Effexor (or run out like I did today), by no later than 2:00 I start getting dizzy. Not a normal light-headedness either. Its hard to put into words but its almost like my brain is floating in water inside my head. Like one of those things you can by in cheap gift shops at the beach with a sailboat floating on that fake blue liquid. If I turn my head, my brain turns half a second later. It is the strangest sensation I have ever felt.

By 5:00, I usually get a bad headache. So bad that I can only lie in bed. But lying down makes my whole body feel like that little sailboat from the gift shop. Between the headache and floating feeling, I get really nauseous.

The withdrawal symptoms I've talked about so far usually follow this time line if I know I've forgotten a pill. If that happens, I usually take one as soon as I get home from work, fall asleep until around 10:00 and feel ok. But if I don't realize I missed a pill, I don't notice the effects quit as fast. Knowing I missed a pill lets me watch for the dizziness, etc. If I just plain forget, I can turn into a huge mess. I can turn into a huge blubbering mess. I sink far down into a depression. One time, before D and I moved in together, he had to come over b/c I was sure I was going to end it right then. I'm surprised he didn't run far, far away from me at that point.

All in all, the Effexor has been a life saver for me. I have felt like a normal human being for the first time in my life on it. I just can't forget to take the damn stuff.