Sunday, April 30, 2006

"If you didn't have that Kojak head, you'd be all right"

D was cutting grass Friday night and he hit is head on the low roof on our shed. It hurt really bad and he saw a little blood when he put his hand there but it wasn't much and he kept on mowing. The mower stalled 10 minutes later and he thought he better go inside and see how bad he cut himself. Here is the conversation that followed:

D: Wanna see something gross?
J: Uh, not really.
D: I hit my head and I'm bleeding.

I went running into the other room and there was blood running down the left side of his head. The cut was more than just a little cut. It was almost 2 inches long and pretty wide and deep. We couldn't tell if it was bad enough to go to the hospital for. It wasn't bleeding that bad once he got it cleaned off and it didn't look like it would be able to be stiched. I was trying to find some disinfectant to clean it with when D started getting dizzy and almost threw up. That made up my mind that we were going to go see a doctor. The urgent care nearby was still open so we thought we'd try there before going to the hospital. On the way there, D started feeling silly and thought they'd laugh at him for coming in for a little cut but I didn't care. Even if the dizziness was just a reaction to seeing your head bleeding, they could at least make sure there wasn't any splinters still inside the wound.

We got to Urgent Care about 20 minutes before they closed. When the doctor came into the room the first thing he said when he saw D's bald head was "If you didn't have that Kojak head, you'd be all right". He took one look at the cut and said he needed stiches. He took D back into a procedure room and now he is the proud owner of 5 stiches and a huge band aid. D is really embarrassed b/c its right on the side of his head for everybody to see. He won't take his hat off at all and he wants to ask his boss if she'll let him keep a hat on at work. Luckily, he doesn't have a concussion. They're sure is was just a delayed reaction to everthing. He sure did scare me though. Its not fun walking into your bedroom to see your boyfriend with blood running down his head. I was upset at myself b/c I didn't know what to do. How are you supposed to know how bad is too bad? And it really scared me to think that a month ago, I was going to be somebody's mother. I was a third of the way of being totally responsible for another being's life and I'm panicing inside over a scraped head.

D's feeling really well now. We thought he'd have a huge headache for a couple of days but he felt totally normal yesterday. He even finished cutting the grass. He stayed far, far away from the shed though.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Vegas Vacation - Part 1

I tried to post about our trip out west the other day but Blogger didn't like me.

D and I flew out to Las Vegas on Monday, March 27th. We were there until the Thursday the 30th. We don't gamble much so we spent most of our time sightseeing. Monday we went to downtown Vegas and Freemont St. with Mom and K. It was cool seeing all those casinos from the old movies.

Tuesday, we were going to spend walking up the Strip but it started raining right after we ate lunch. We ended up spending most of the afternoon walking through all the shops at Ceaser's to stay dry. It did finally stop raining that night so we drove up to the far end of the Strip to MGM and New York, New York.

Wednesday was taken up with wedding stuff (separate post to follow). That night we did explore the rest of the Strip and go see a Prince cover band called Purple Reign. D loves Prince so it was the perfect band for us to see. The singer looked just like Prince too.

We were going to leave early Thursday to drive to Park City, Utah to visit one of D's high school friends but we decided to meet in southern Utah instead so we didn't have to leave as early. That morning, we drove outside of Vegas to the Carrol Shelby factory where they make Cobras. They have one tour a day at 10:30 that takes you into the shop where they actually make the cars. Next door to that is the Las Vegas Motor Speedway. We drove around it taking a few pictures for D's mom. We even went into an "authorized personnel only" spot until the security guard caught us. He was cool though. He told us to go to the infield to meet one of the Petty's but we didn't have time to.

After we got back into Vegas, we did the only thing I wanted to do in Vegas, ride the gondola at the Venetian. I know its kinda cheesy but I really want to ride a real one in Venice and I figured this would tide me over until we get to go to Italy. We ended up having the best guy ever on our gondola. He was the most awesome singer and sang much more than the other ones.

After the gondola, we said goodbye to Mom and K and took off for Utah.

Here are some pictures from Vegas:

Sunday, April 09, 2006

RIP Sexy Monkey

J's iPod, Sexy Monkey, passed from this world on Thursday, April 6, 2006 at 4:15pm. He was one year and 4 months old. Cause of death was found to be accidental drowning after a one liter glass bottle of water broke and got into J's lab coat pocket without her knowledge. Many attempts were made to save Sexy Monkey but to no avail.

During Sexy Monkey's short time on this Earth, he enjoyed playing numerous Clark's songs and more recently, Keith and the Girl podcasts to keep J. distracted while working so she did not harm any of her coworkers. He also loved to travel and had just returned from a trip to Las Vegas and Utah.

Sexy Monkey is survived by his purchaser, D. and his constant companion, J. He will be greatly missed by all.

In lieu of flowers, Sexy Monkey's family asks that donations in his name be made for the purchase of a new iPod.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

So I'm in the cafeteria at lunch...

...and I'm minding my own business. There's a weird family sitting a few tables over from me, including a kid around 11 or 12. When they got up to leave, I left a hand on my shoulder and then a slap on my face. That damn kid slapped me. His parents grabbed his arm and said "You know better than that" and walked away without even looking at me. Um, hello? Your kid obviously has problems but could you at least say sorry? I didn't know what to do since I'm an employee. But you really couldn't tell b/c my ID was hidden under the table and I was wearing a t-shirt. I could have been a parent. There were 5 adults with this kid and not one of them even acknowledged it. Everybody around me was staring. The guy next to me said it was really loud. Note to self: don't ever sit where people can walk behind you. You might get slapped by a chuppy 12 year old.

Monday, April 03, 2006

We're home from vacation...

D and I got home from Vegas and Utah late last night. Our flight took longer than expected b/c of those bad storms in the Mid-West. We had to fly down to Arkansas to get around them.

We had lots of fun on our trip. I'll go into the details and post some pictures later.

In my last post, I mentioned how life had been kinda crazy lately. Here's a picture of why.



I had no clue that I was pregnant. My cycles had been messed up since late last year so I didn't think much about not getting my period. I was exhausted but I felt like my depression was getting worse so I just figured that was the reason. Then I started feeling a little nauseous but there was a stomach bug going around. I finally took a pregnancy test "just in case" even though I didn't think I really was and it was positive. After taking 3 more, I finally believed the results.

After running a gamut of feelings, I ended up losing the baby right before we left for Vegas. I'm sad but there is a huge feeling of relief also. D and I aren't ready to be parents at all. I was on the pill so this definitely wasn't planned. But I still lost something that was part D and I and it hurts. It does give me some hope for the future. I was afraid that I wasn't ever going to be able to have children. Fertitily problems run in the family. At least I know that I am able to get pregnant and someday I will have a little bundle of joy.