Sunday, April 30, 2006

"If you didn't have that Kojak head, you'd be all right"

D was cutting grass Friday night and he hit is head on the low roof on our shed. It hurt really bad and he saw a little blood when he put his hand there but it wasn't much and he kept on mowing. The mower stalled 10 minutes later and he thought he better go inside and see how bad he cut himself. Here is the conversation that followed:

D: Wanna see something gross?
J: Uh, not really.
D: I hit my head and I'm bleeding.

I went running into the other room and there was blood running down the left side of his head. The cut was more than just a little cut. It was almost 2 inches long and pretty wide and deep. We couldn't tell if it was bad enough to go to the hospital for. It wasn't bleeding that bad once he got it cleaned off and it didn't look like it would be able to be stiched. I was trying to find some disinfectant to clean it with when D started getting dizzy and almost threw up. That made up my mind that we were going to go see a doctor. The urgent care nearby was still open so we thought we'd try there before going to the hospital. On the way there, D started feeling silly and thought they'd laugh at him for coming in for a little cut but I didn't care. Even if the dizziness was just a reaction to seeing your head bleeding, they could at least make sure there wasn't any splinters still inside the wound.

We got to Urgent Care about 20 minutes before they closed. When the doctor came into the room the first thing he said when he saw D's bald head was "If you didn't have that Kojak head, you'd be all right". He took one look at the cut and said he needed stiches. He took D back into a procedure room and now he is the proud owner of 5 stiches and a huge band aid. D is really embarrassed b/c its right on the side of his head for everybody to see. He won't take his hat off at all and he wants to ask his boss if she'll let him keep a hat on at work. Luckily, he doesn't have a concussion. They're sure is was just a delayed reaction to everthing. He sure did scare me though. Its not fun walking into your bedroom to see your boyfriend with blood running down his head. I was upset at myself b/c I didn't know what to do. How are you supposed to know how bad is too bad? And it really scared me to think that a month ago, I was going to be somebody's mother. I was a third of the way of being totally responsible for another being's life and I'm panicing inside over a scraped head.

D's feeling really well now. We thought he'd have a huge headache for a couple of days but he felt totally normal yesterday. He even finished cutting the grass. He stayed far, far away from the shed though.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

what's worse is when your (soon- to-be) husband (at the time) cuts himself with a chainsaw on the thumb while you are at a tree job and insists it is fine and wraps it with electrical tape until you can go home (no the chain saw wasnt on, he was putting the chain on after he had sharpened it)

at least i know that chris can take care of me though...
last year we went fishign for trout season
and, genius me, got a treble hook stuck THROUGH that bunch of skin between your thumb and finger.....
ah man you dont know pain till there is a hook (with a fish on it for a bit) stuck to your hand
actually i think i scared him because i was so calm... until he came over and saw it and was like oh jeez what did u do
then i just bawled ans screamed....until he got the hook end cut off (with wire cutters) and the rest just slipped back through


May 01, 2006 9:43 AM  

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