Thursday, March 16, 2006

Random Thoughts (aka: J is in a bitchy mood)

~If you're going to walk along a road without sidewalks, you are supposed to walk facing traffic. Why don't the people that live around here understand that? They will walk side by side, practically on the white line, on the wrong side of the road, at night, wearing all black. If I hit you, its not my fault.

~How can gas prices jump 5-10 cents/gallon in less than 8 hours? When I was younger, didn't gas usually only go up 1 or 2 cents a day? That's all I'm going to say about this subject b/c I could go on all night and I don't want to.

~If you are waiting on an elevator, let the people off before trying to get on. You can't go anywhere until they're off. Plus, what if there is a fire or a rabid monkey with a chain saw at the back of the elevator? You're not only blocking the only escape people have but you're walking right into the danger.

~The media needs to stop hyping the bird flu thing. It is only infecting birds and people have have very close contact to birds right now. You only need to worry if you are a European/Asian that sleeps with birds or if you have wings and a beak. If you live in the middle of an American metropolitan area, I think you'll be ok (unless you were just in China and smuggled a chicken back to keep you company at night). There isn't any potential to get sick unless the virus mutates into a form that can be transmitted from person to person. That has not happened and it might never happened. If it does, it might not be bad at all. Remember how SARS was going to kill us all? I think we all need to be more concerned with chain saw welding rabid monkeys instead.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

so, about these chain saw welding rabid monkeys...

you seem pretty tight

something we should know about them?
are they reproducing at work?

or just quite fond of them due to their demise of the "stupid average american @$$h0I3"

either way, i'm supportive

and you forgot the pushing the elevator button numerous times- we all know it makes the elevatore forget everyone else and say DAMN that person on the 3rd floor is in a hurry, i better get down there STAT!

March 17, 2006 11:22 AM  
Blogger J. said...

I can't tell you about the monkeys. They said they'd hurt me if I did.

March 17, 2006 11:48 AM  
Blogger ~**Dawn**~ said...

amen on the gas prices & the bird flu. now if someone could just explain this to me: logged in to purchase airfare. stopped to watch the news. heard a blurb that airfare will be on the rise. turned back to computer to complete sale of plane ticket. price gone up FIFTY DOLLARS. elapsed time: 6 minutes. that's just crazy.

March 19, 2006 11:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jen, The college drama isn't going on. The roommate just want to see you. You usually don't respond to emails and that is the last address I had for you. That is where your Christmas card went to! Anyway... Sam, Joe, and I want to see you (and Joe's girlfriend wants to meet you). Jud had issues with the invitations that the post office messed up, that was the reason for the email. Come spend some time in Warren and see the Clarion crowd!

May 10, 2006 4:11 PM  

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