Thursday, February 16, 2006

I'm leaving on a jet plane...


I was supposed to go to Wisconsin to visit my Grandma tonight. Northern Wisconsin weather can be very tricky during the winter but there hadn't been much snow yet. Yet being the key word. The snow decided to hold off and come all at once today. We weren't sure if the flights would be cancelled or if I'd get stuck in an airport overnight. When I got home from work at 4:00, my flight out of Columbus was already delayed over an hour. That would make me miss my connecting flight into Appleton and that's the last flight to Appleton of the day. After getting to Appleton, there's still another 2.5 hour drive up to my grandmother's. Ken (my mom's fiance) said he'd get me up to Grandma's no matter what but I decided to postpone my trip for awhile. It wasn't worth spending all that money to risk getting into a wreck or something. So here I am, stuck in Columbus. At least now I have 3 days with no set plans so I should get lots of scrapbooking done.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wind monster ate my car poort last night

damn wind, at least i found the trash cans....

but no car port anymore...
so where do we keep the bike?
back porch...?
argh, i guess we'll see...

February 17, 2006 10:53 AM  

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