Friday, March 16, 2007

: (

We have to put our cat Hobbes to sleep today. Her kidney's have been failing for the past couple of years but she's gone really downhill the past 2 weeks. I took her to the vet on Tuesday and he found tumors in her intestines. She's 15 years old so even if they did surgery and could get all the tumors, it wouldn't extend her life by much. It would be way too hard on her anyway. Its hard but I think we're doing the best thing for her.

We're really going to miss Hobbes. D has raised her since she was 3 months old and she's been in my life for the past 3. I feel like she's just as much my cat as his now. Hobbes is the one cat that always sleep with us and she always cuddled with us when we watched tv. It's going to be hard to let such a good cat go.