Monday, February 27, 2006

I'm bad

I know I haven't posted anything interesting here lately. I've been fighting some weird cold/stomach virus thingy. I promise I'll write something interesting this week. Well, it might not be interesting but it will be better than nothing.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

What famous pinup are you?

You are Betty Grable

The ulitmate girl next door
You're the perfect girl for most guys
Pretty yet approachable. Beautiful yet real.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

If you were my Turbo Tax CD...

...where would you be?

Saturday, February 18, 2006

A taste of home...

Growing up in Western PA, I spent many weekend nights hanging out at a restaurant called Eat N Park. We would go there after football games for ice cream or for breakfast after all night bowling. There aren't any Eat N Parks here in Central Ohio and I miss it. It's not a world class restaurant but I'm used to seeing them wherever I went.

The picture on the right is Eat N Park's famous smiley face cookie. I have a couple of smiley face magnets, a keychain and a smiley face cookie on my car. Nobody out here has a clue what it is. Sometimes, if I happen to notice the magnet when I'm getting something out of the fridge, I get nostalgic for home. To be honest, I never really liked the taste of the cookies, but they were a common sight back home and they remind me of my high school and college years.

Our friend R travels for work and he happened to be in the town I went to college in. He called me from the Eat N Park in town (he had heard me talking about it before). I asked him if he could get D and I a couple of cookies for old times sake. He said he'd try and I really thought he'd forget about it. I came downstairs this afternoon and sitting on the kitchen counter was a clear plastic container with 2 smiley face cookies. I hadn't even realized that R. had been in the house. D and I split one and I'm saving the last one. I still don't like the taste of the cookies but it took me back 10 years.

Thanks R. for bringing back a small taste of PA for me.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

I'm leaving on a jet plane...


I was supposed to go to Wisconsin to visit my Grandma tonight. Northern Wisconsin weather can be very tricky during the winter but there hadn't been much snow yet. Yet being the key word. The snow decided to hold off and come all at once today. We weren't sure if the flights would be cancelled or if I'd get stuck in an airport overnight. When I got home from work at 4:00, my flight out of Columbus was already delayed over an hour. That would make me miss my connecting flight into Appleton and that's the last flight to Appleton of the day. After getting to Appleton, there's still another 2.5 hour drive up to my grandmother's. Ken (my mom's fiance) said he'd get me up to Grandma's no matter what but I decided to postpone my trip for awhile. It wasn't worth spending all that money to risk getting into a wreck or something. So here I am, stuck in Columbus. At least now I have 3 days with no set plans so I should get lots of scrapbooking done.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Blah, blah, blah

I know I haven't updated in awhile. I haven't been in the mood to think of something to write about. We had a Super Bowl party last Sunday. It was the first time a lot of people had seen our house. I think we had about 15 or so friends show up so it was a lot of fun. I missed the whole first half of the game but my Steelers finally won that one for the thumb. Go Steelers!!

Tomorrow is D and my 2nd anniversary. I can't believe its only been 2 years. We've been through so much that it feels a lot longer. We don't have any special plans. We're both short on cash right now. D has to have a ton of dental work done and he's already gone over his insurance's limit so he has to pay for the rest of it himself. I think we're going to go to the wing place where we met for the first timen tomorrow. Not fancy but sentimental.

In honor of our anniversary (and b/c Jes is bored and wants a post with substance), I'll tell the story of how D. and I met. We actually met on I had read his profile a couple of times and he sounded nice but I didn't think we had anything in common. He had written about racing his car and bicycle riding and I didn't really care about either one so I kept looking. D ended up "winking" at me (its a way of saying "hey I noticed you") and even though I didn't think we had anything in common, I decided to wink back. He emailed me soon after. Emails turned into instant messaging and we decided to meet in person a week later on February 10th. It was kind of fast but we had been talking a lot. We met at Rooster's, a wing place on my side of town and we talked non-stop for 5 hours. I have never been able to talk to someone so easily. We made plans to get together the following Saturday (which just happened to be Valentine's Day).

We talked a couple more times and didn't want to wait until Saturday to see each other so I met him at a bar with some of his friends. I ended up going to his place afterwards and we stayed up until 5:00 in the morning talking. So much for not having anything in common, huh?

I went home from his place around mid-morning to get ready for our first "real" date that night. We went to a seafood place that he somehow managed to get a reservation at last minute. At the table waiting for me was a purple rose (purple is both of our favorite color). We stayed up really late again that night talking and we've pretty much been inseperable ever since.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

My favorite quote right now...

"People who will sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither liberty nor security."
~Ben Franklin

Thursday, February 02, 2006

What a miracle...

‘Domino’ transplant saves two babies’ lives

Columbus hospital successfully performs simultaneous surgeries

COLUMBUS, Ohio - Without a lung transplant, 3-month-old Jason Wolfe had days to live, at best.

“I was just hoping if he heard my voice, he would keep hanging,” remembers his mother, Maria.

Down the hall at Columbus Children’s Hospital, 12-week-old Kayla Richardson needed a heart transplant. Her mom was torn about praying for one.

“I didn't really want another baby to die to save her life,” says Kayla’s mother, Rebecca Lovins.

There aren't many organ donors for babies. Then, two weeks ago, something tragic and remarkable happened. Doctors learned a baby from out-of-state had died whose organs were compatible with both Jason and Kayla. The surgeons decided to perform a rare procedure called a "domino" transplant.

Here's how it worked. Surgeons took the heart and lungs from the anonymous donor and put both into Jason. Then they took Jason's healthy heart and gave it to Kayla.

“If you do the lungs alone, there's more suturing, more sewing in the airways than if you do the heart-lung combined,” says Dr. Tim Hoffman with Columbia Children's Hospital.

For 12 hours, two teams of doctors worked in side-by-side operating rooms. These surgeries are especially delicate because the babies' hearts are so small — the size of a golf ball.

“There's a lot of very important stitches and incisions and cuts that have to be perfect,” says Dr. Mark Galantowicz, one of the surgeons who assisted in the procedure. “The margin of error is tiny.”

Jason and Kayla are the youngest living donor and recipient of a heart. Doctors say both are past the critical stage.

"I'm just happy!” says Maria. “Excited.”

“It’s a great feeling to look at her knowing she's healthy, knowing she'll make it,” says Kayla’s father, Robert.

Now the parents are committed to keeping their children connected.

“I envision them being really close, growing up together, really relying on each other,” says Rebecca.

The gift of life — from one baby to another to another — now forever connected with every heartbeat.

Link to article


Because of the selfless act of one family losing a child, two children are now going to have a normal life. Thank you so much and I'm deeply, deeply sorry for your loss.

Columbus Children's Hospital is a truely amazing place.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

What sex position are you?

I saw this quiz on Shann's blog and being the pervert that I can be, I thought I'd try it out.

I'm a naughty monkey. : P