Friday, November 17, 2006

It's Michigan Week in Ohio!!!!!

Aren't you excited?!? Tomorrow is the match-up between the biggest rivalry in college football. You should feel the energy in the air. Wait, is that energy or just a couch burning in the middle of the road? Hard to tell.

Tomorrow is the big OSU vs Michigan game. The game all Buckeye fans wait all year for. Supposedly, there's this huge rivalry between the schools but according to some native Michigan-ers (Michiganians?), Buckeye fans make a much bigger deal out of this then they should. U of Michigan considers their big rival to be Michigan State. All I have heard all week long is "Go Bucks" and "Michigan sucks" and on and on and on. I turned on the local news and it was all about football. Everywhere I turn at work is scarlet and gray (and don't make the mistake of saying red; It's not red, its scarlet. I always thought scarlet was red but I guess I was wrong). This year, the Buckeye fans are even more fanatical b/c both teams are undefeated. In 2002, when OSU was undefeated, there was rioting near campus with couchs and cars being set on fire. I'm dreading what might happen this year. And god forbid we lose.

So, keep Columbus in your thoughts this weekend. We've got the house boarded up and plenty of extra food and water just in case the fans get too out of hand. Hopefully the damage won't be too bad.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Great love story....

I will seek and find you.

I shall take you to bed and have my way with you.
I will make you ache, shake & sweat until you moan & groan.
I will make you beg for mercy, beg for me to stop.
I will exhaust you to the point that you will be relieved when
I'm finished with you.
And, when I am finished, you will be weak for days.

All my love,
The Flu


Yeah, I'm a geek. I'm amused by stupid biology jokes. And I really don't care if you get your flu shot or not. I think they should be saved for the elderly and others that really need them. I'm probably not going to get one and I work with the flu on a daily basis. Just take care of yourself and wash your hands and you'll be fine.


Get off your ass and go vote today. Unless you're Republican. Its raining here and I wouldn't want any conservatives to get sick.